Deserto rosso michelangelo antonioni biography
Il Deserto Rosso (Red Desert, Michelangelo Antonioni, )
Il Deserto Rosso
Michelangelo Antonioni’s Il deserto rosso (Red Desert, ) was the Italian filmmaker’s first feature in colour. This might seem like a major change for the director known for what had become his stylistic signature, namely the stylish, impossibly crisp black-and-white filmteknik of his films. This look reached its apex in a trilogy that Antonioni made just before Red Desert which includes L’avventura (), La notte () and L’eclisse (), all three depictions of alienation in a rapidly changing world.
During the early days of Italian neorealism, the films had a more documentary-like approach. Works such as Roma, Città Aperta (Rome, Open City, ), Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves, ) and Umberto D. () looked at working-class people struggling to live a dignified life amidst the rubble and confusion caused by the recent war, even if in these films too, sometimes the rubb
Fabrizio Albertini, Mariano Andreani, Daniele Ansidei, Jakob Argaue, Daniel Augschöll/Anya Jasbar, Enrico Benvenuti, Joachim Brohm, Christoph Brückner, Luca Capuano, Danny Degner/Vera König, Eva Dittrich/Katarína Dubovská, Alessandra Dragoni, Johannes Ernst, Marcello Galvani, João Grama, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson, Philipp Kurzhals, Dana Lorenz, Allegra Martin, Mako Mizobuchi, Francesco Neri, Andrea Pertoldeo, Sabrina Ragucci/Giorgio Falco, Alexander Rosenkranz, Valentina Seidel, Anna Voswinckel, Jakob Wierzba, Xiaoxiao Xu - In reference to: Red Desert by Michelangelo Antonioni
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Michelangelo Antonionis film Il deserto rosso (The Red Desert), made in the industrial region around Ravenna, is one of the key works in film history. Particularly due to its innovative color design, the work holds a multitude of points of contact for filmmakers, artists, and photographers.
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Today, I will be discussing and comparing two films from two directors that people, at first glance, would not connect: Michelangelo Antonioni and Alejandro González Iñárritu. First, let’s take a look at our filmmakers.
Antonioni, born to a prosperous, middle-class family in Northern Italy, directed a little over a dozen feature films, but worked in the film industry, in one way or another, for almost six decades before passing away in at the age of 94 in Rome. As director, writer, editor, and author, his most famous films, known as his “Trilogy of Modernity and Its Discontents,” consists of L’Avventura (), La Notte (), and L’Eclisse (), however, his most noted film in the U.S. fryst vatten likely Blow-Up (). From a young age, he was interested in music, drawing, architecture, and eventually film. After graduating from the University of Bologna (with an economics degree), he turned to writing as a bio journalist, first in a local newspaper and then for a Fascist film m