Hatice sultana biography
Hatice Sultana
Family member
Hafsa Sultana(mother)
Sultan Suleiman(brother)
Beyhan Sultana(sister)
Fatma Sultana(sister)
Ibrahim Pasha(husband)
unborn baby(child)
Huricihan Sultana(daughter)
Hatice Sultana was the daughter of Selim I and Valide Hafsa Sultana. She was the sister of Suleiman the magnificent. She was the wife of Ibrahim Pasha with whom she had 3 children; Mehmed, Osman and Huricihan, as well as an unborn baby that miscarried.
Hatice (fl. –)
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Hatice Sultan (daughter of Murad V)
Ottoman princess, daughter of Murad V and Şayan Kadın (–)
Hatice Sultan (Ottoman Turkish: خدیجه سلطان; "respectfull lady"; 5 April – 13 March ) was an Ottoman princess, the eldest daughter of Sultan Murad V, born by his third consort Şayan Kadın.
Early life
[edit]Hatice Sultan was born on April 5, , in her father's villa in Kurbağalıdere. Her father was Murad V, son of Abdulmejid I and Şevkefza Kadın.[2] Her mother was Şayan Kadın. She was her father’s eldest daughter and third child, and her mother’s only child. However, Pertevniyal Sultan, Valide Sultan (mother of reigning sultan) of Sultan Abdülaziz, Murad's uncle, ordered Şayan to have an abortion, for it was forbidden at the time for the Ottoman princes to have children before ascending the throne. However, Murad had two sons prior thanks to Abdülaziz's help. This time Pertevniyal Sultan insisted that the rules be respected. Murad, with Abdülaziz's help once again, brib