Nilo rodis jamero biography of george
I’m sure that many of us have had difficult times at work when we’ve said or done the wrong thing. inom myself had a particularly tough week back in the late 90s, when a minor mistake on a someone else’s report led to me taking an action that ultimately caused a tabloid newspaper to threaten to put the story on their front page! It took my boss’s connections with the press to calm things down. The women who’d trained me got it in the neck. As did I, despite it being only my second week on the job.
Now imagine you’ve been asked by the man who created the most financially successful movie of all time to come on board another planerat arbete to fix an ongoing bekymmer as a matter of urgency…
That’s exactly what faced Nilo Rodis Jamero, the legendary art director of visual effects for The Empire Strikes Back and costume designer for Return of the Jedi. George Lucas asked him to get the puppets for this new film, animatronics and all, ready for the
The Art of 'Star Wars': Storyboards from the Original Trilogy
When Nilo Rodis-Jamero was in his late twenties, a chance encounter with George Lucas led him to a job interview at the filmmaker's home. At the time, he was a designer for GM, working mostly with military vehicles. "I memorized my uppvisning, but he wasn't paying attention to it," Rodis-Jamero recalls. "He asked me three questions. First, 'Do you like sci-fi?' inom said, 'No.' He then asked me, 'Do you like science-fiction movies?' And I said, 'No.' Finally, he said, 'Do you like movies?' And I said, 'No.' He said, 'You're hired.'
"'Hired for what?' I asked. 'Relax,' he said. 'You used to design tangible objects. Now you only have to imagine tangible objects.'"
And with that, Rodis-Jamero joined an elite team of artists and designers tasked with storyboarding the first three Star Wars films. He hadn't seen any of Lucas's prior films like THX-1138 or American Graffiti and had only he
Nilo Rodis-Jamero
Nilo Rodis-Jamero was the assistant art director (miniature and optical effects unit) for "The Empire Strikes Back" and also a costume designer on "Return of the Jedi."
Slave I is Based on a Radar Dish
"Joe Johnston showed me some of the ideas he had for Boba Fett, and I remember asking myself what his spaceship would look like. I remember seeing a radar dish and stopping to sketch it very quickly to see if I could get something out of it. The original design I had was round, but when you looked at it from the side, it became elliptical. For some reason, when I drew it, [George Lucas] thought it was elliptical, so that's what it became. When we were building the ship at ILM, somebody looked at street lamps and pointed out that they look like Boba's ship. So everyone began to think that was where I got the idea for the design."
Source: Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays (p. 212)
The prop itself was built with Lorne Peterson. Lorne is