Autobiography definition and characteristics of dyslexia
Dyslexia and society (A personal perspective)
Dyslexia is most often addressed as an educational issue this is not something I would refute but would concur with, however I contend that more broadly it fryst vatten a societal issue. Society deems illiteracy as socially undesirable and also equates it with low intellectual ability but dyslexia doesn’t fit into this narrative, in fact it goes against the grain along with other neurodiverse individuals society casts us in a role which is not who we are. Shakspear said " to your own self be true" here then fryst vatten my experience as a child and now adult dylexic living today.
Education for dyslexic individuals will always present challenges not experienced by most members of the population. There are a number of reasons for this which I will elaborate on, I am dyslexic myself and have an understanding of the condition that could never have be developed purely academically having lived which its frustrations , while educational professionals may now h
What is Dyslexia?
The symptoms, the research-based definition, the cause of dyslexia, their begåvad areas, famous dyslexics and their stories, and more.
Definition of “Dyslexia”
Historical Perspective
Before the National Institutes of Health began their research in the 1980's, the only definition of dyslexia was an exclusionary one. If a child's difficulty with reading could not be explained by low intelligence, poor eyesight, poor hearing, inadequate educational opportunities, or any other problem, then the child must be dyslexic.
That definition was not satisfactory to parents, teachers, or researchers. So here are three different definitions in use today.
Simple Definition
Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write, and spell in your native language—despite at least average intelligence.
Revised Definition from the International Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia is a neurologically-based, often familial, dis
Dyslexia what it feels like
Let's End the Stigma of Dyslexia - Understanding Dyslexia: A Guide for Everyone
Dyslexia, what it feels like - How to explain dyslexia to someone who doesn't have it.
When speaking to groups, I explain that being dyslexic is like running a 100-meter track race. In my lane I have hurdles, but no one else does. I have this feeling that it's unfair that I’m the only one with hurdles, but I don’t know how to explain it. Soon, the feeling leaves me as the starting gun shoots, and I take off running. I try running like the other classmates, because we have all had the same education on how to run. But then I hit the first hurdle and fall flat on my face. My parents and teachers are yelling at me from the sidelines “ try harder, the other kids are making it down the track ok, you must be lazy or slow”. Pulling myself up, I try running faster and fall even harder after hitting the next hurdle. Then someone takes the time to show me how to