Female biographers

  • Famous women in history biography
  • Best female memoirs goodreads
  • Women's history month biographies
  • The Hidden Female Impressionists

    History of ArtCamille GoodmanHistory of ArtCamille Goodman

    “The woman artist is an ignored, little-understood force, delayed in its rise!” Hélène Bertaux, founder of Paris’s Union des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs, declared in with reference to the emergence of women on the art-scene. Discover the highly talented women who rubbed shoulders with the exclusive Impressionist clique in Paris in the late 19th Century: Monet, Renoir, Degas and Pissarro, but were largely forgotten as preth-century female artists so often are.

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    FilmCamille GoodmanFilmCamille Goodman

    Contemporary discussion surrounding fair representation of women in film and the need to see an increase in the number of female directors, has come one century too late. However, it is fair to say we have seen a larger number of films produced in recent years, with strong female leads and casts. Here are some of our recommendations, some recent, some classics.

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  • female biographers
  • The Best 10 Biographies by Women to Add to Your Reading List


    #1 New York Times Bestseller

    'Becoming' by Michelle Obama

    Michelle Obama needs no introduction following her eight-year tenure as first lady in the White House, but that doesn't make her story any less remarkable. Becoming covers everything from Michelle's youth in Chicago to her relationship with husband and former president Barack Obama and the way she's learned to juggle working on a world stage alongside raising her family. Rather than shying away from her mistakes, Michelle reflects on her life to date, offering every ounce of wisdom she's gathered, making her memoir an essential read.


    World's Youngest Nobel Prize Laureate

    'I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot bygd the Taliban' by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb

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    When Malala Yousafzai was just 15 years old, she was shot in the head after standing up to the Taliban regarding her right to an

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    Today, we want to celebrate the impact of women on literature and tell you about some of the best female authors who have shaped literature and how they became the names everyone knows. Let’s take a look at their life stories and most prominent books.

    Women Writers and Their Paths in History

    While men writers have always been a norm, women writers have faced numerous challenges to be acknowledged and accepted. Throughout history, the existing norms, gender roles, limited access to education, and all sorts of social expectations have influenced the way women lived. We’d add “and worked,” but that wouldn’t be quite correct, as women mostly were expected to marry and live in the paradigm of housework and domestic roles, and only spinsters had to look for ways to work to support themselves (we’re talking here about high society and women of some education, of course). Therefore, unsurprisingly, writing (pretty much like many other things) has also been consid